2024 Bicycle Industry Stock Chart: Mobility industry sees little of stock market boom
Find out why only a third of the publicly listed companies in our bicycle industry chart benefited from last year’s boom – and why almost two-thirds were left untouched by it.
Slow ride out of the valley of tears: Stock markets back view of no recession
The Q3 2024 bicycle stock market saw significant gains despite ongoing global challenges, with newcomers like Ananda Drive surging over 50%.
Bicycle Industry Stock Chart Q2 2024: Glass half full or half empty?
While the wars against Ukraine and in the Middle East appear to have already been priced in by the global stock markets, the clear shift to the right in the European elections in early June and the poor performance of US President Biden in the first TV debate against Donald Trump put the markets under pressure. As a result, there was no clear picture of the bicycle market – or the global stock market across all sectors.