Timberland has reported on its corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance for the second quarter of 2015. Of the 320 active factories working for the brand at the end of the quarter, 36 percent were rated “accepted,” as compared to 31 percent in the first quarter. With regard to leather sourcing, 99.6 percent of Timberland's leather volume came from tanneries scoring Silver or Gold in its Leather Working Group audit, substantially flat from 99.7 percent in the first quarter. Volunteer work served by Timberland employees for their communities reached 46,509 hours to date. They had served 19,148 hours of volunteer work in the first quarter, an increase. The Benefit Utilization Rate, i.e. the percentage of employees who serve at least one hour, increased from 61.9 percent in the second quarter of 2014 to 66.1 percent in the second quarter of 2015.