In a letter to its members, the World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI) has announced the creation of a “Digitization of Product Information” task force, co-chaired by Decathlon and VF Corporation and aiming to promote digital labelling and best practices within the sporting goods industry. On the basis of some key findings on product labels – increasing length, increasing costs, lack of standard regulations worldwide, customer irritatation at label information, customer removal of labels because of their size or itchiness – WFSGI seeks to transfer the information from product labels to the internet, where it would be kept always available and up to date. This would ensure that consumers always have access to qualitative and accurate information, while reducing the environmental impact of physical labels and eliminating any irritation caused by them. WFSGI has created a video online with further information and asks anyone wishing to participate in the discussion to contact the head of WFSGI’s legal department, Charlotte Giudicelli, at before Sept. 1.