Leki cancels its sister brand Lekisport at last. Lekisport which lately has had relevance only in the pole markets of Switzerland, Northern Italy and southern Germany, will be cancelled effective the end of this year. All after-sales services will be handled by the respective national sales operations of Leki. The latter acquired Lekisport a few years ago mainly to be certain of its own brand rights, after the two companies had hefty legal quarrels during the 1990s. Leki was founded by Karl Lenhart and was continued by his sons Rainer and Klaus. Rainer Lenhart eventually dropped out and founded Lekisport, which was operated from Switzerland, and Leki was run by Klaus Lenhart. After years of sinking market shares Rainer Lenhart sold his business to some other Swiss company, from which Leki finally acquired Lekisport.