Messe München indicates that attendance at the recent Ispo Munich show was relatively stable as compared to last year with a total of more than 80,000 daily visits. Visitors came from 110 different countries, and like last year, 66 percent were from outside Germany. Strong increases were recorded from the U.S. and Russia. A survey showed that 74 percent of the visitors felt that this year's edition was excellent to very good, and an additional 24 percent rated it as good. According to 48 percent of the visitors, Ispo Munich will continue to gain importance, while 49 percent felt that it will remain the same. This year's edition of the Ispo Brandnew section was regarded as good or very good by 83.9 percent of the visitors. As previously reported, Ispo Munich broke a new record in terms of exhibitors with a total of 2,565 companies from 51 countries.