All VAT articles

  • 201020_Pflanzaktion.
    News briefs

    Schöffel Foundation uses German VAT reduction to support tree plantations


    The Schöffel Foundation, founded in 2011 by Hubert and Peter Schöffel, which promotes and initiates social and ecological projects, is supporting tree planting and forest redevelopment in state forests in the German state of Bavaria. German online shoppers can donate the 3 percentage point reduction in value-added tax – one ...

  • christian-wiediger-cUF4SSxY_KA-unsplash
    News briefs

    Germany’s VAT cut may hit retailers across the border


    Germany decided on June 3 to reduce the value-added tax (VAT) rate on non-food products to 16 percent from 19 percent, starting from July 1 and through the balance of this year, to give a boost to consumption and the economy. It has also cut the VAT rate for restaurants ...